Wednesday 02-19-2025

1.In the class we discussed about time series of number of police shootings each week.

2.We have seen some scatter plots and histograms based on the time series .


Objective : some victims were shot by the different state police departments . I have found around 40 records and that looks uncommon .


1. I have been using Python to get some insight on the data on the objective I’m working on.


2. I am also going through matplotlib to plot the graph for the data insight.

Wednesday 02-12-2025

Objective : some victims were shot by the different state police departments . I have found around 40 records and that looks uncommon .

1. I have been using Python to get some insight on the data on the objective I’m working on.

2. I am also going through matplotlib to plot the graph for the data insight.

Wednesday 02/05/2025

1 . We have discussed about the report , which was on the objective : Which country has the highest number of shootings .

2. I have checked some records which looks uncommon , some victims were shot by the different state police departments . I have found around 40 records and that looks uncommon .

3. we have discussed about tools named Mathematica .


Wednesday 01-29-2025

Objectives :


1. Which police department has the highest number of shootings, and among those incidents, what is the ratio of Black and White individuals, including minors and those with mental illnesses?

2. I have checked some records which looks uncommon , some victims were shot by the different state police departments . And in some cases the victims are minor . I’m trying to analyze more on this objective.

3 .Which county has the highest number of recorded shootings, and which race, particularly among minors, has been affected the most?


Wednesday ,22-01-2025

1.We have discussed about the raw data from the Washington post .
2.Also discussed about Tools , Subject and the objective .
3.Also got to know how to setup a wordpress site at umassd.
4.Also got to know how the report should look like and the report should be targeting the people who are getting benefited by the insights from the raw data.
Discussed Subject and Objectives :
1.In Which Police Station the most shootings were done .
2.Which race people have been shot the most and what was the age , Whether they are armed or unarmed
Some Questions During the Community Discussion :
1. what to do with the null values .